About the Photographer
I was fortunate as a photographer to spend twelve years in the northwoods of Wisconsin. The place my family chose to live was remote. Initially, we could not get FedEx deliveries due to our location. We were surrounded by nature and wilderness on the southern lip of the Laurentian Shield, the edge of the boreal forest.
I found my subjects in the claustrophobic woodlands where the only clear line of sight is up or down. Front, back and to the sides were a wall of brush and trees, impenetrable in most seasons. There were few vistas and I had to learn how best to represent the landscape with the pictures I took. 
The "massacre of age" forced me to abandon the comfort of the forest and return to my birthplace down below.  I am renewing my relationship with the city and discovering and photographing the many natural sights that exist. 
Nature is the focus my photography. I hope my photographs encourage the viewer to search out and enjoy the natural places close to home and motivate some to find and experience the wilderness before it disappears.

Artist Statement
Confronted with thousands of acres of wilderness in northern Wisconsin, I was motivated to preserve, through photography, the land and its details that may be lost to view in the present and the future. 
When I moved from the north, I found myself in search of the same wilderness, this time in the small, hidden places surrounded by what I think of as civilization. 
Discussion persists as to whether photography, itself, is art. Nature is an inspiration for art. Through photography,   I seek to capture and share the art in nature.

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